Georgopoulos Antonios

- Address Department of Business Administration,University Campus,26504,Rio
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Miscellaneous Information
Miscellaneous Information(Collaboration with ACCA):
(recent awards):
Best paper award presented (together with Ms. Kalogera and Dr. Boura) at 11th Business & Management Conference, Dubai, UAE (2020, Jan. 16-18), entitled: ‘Is there a link between firms’ export activity and economic performance in a small open economy? Evidence from Greece’
Antonios Georgopoulos is Professor of international business and financial accounting at the Department of Business Administration. He jointed the Department in October 2001. He has a doctorate in international business and economics from Georg-August University, Göttingen. His current research interests include international business and economic performance. His work has been published in Accounting Forum, Safety Science, Tourism Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, European Management Review, International Business Review, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Economic and Industrial Democracy, European Business Review, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Services Industry Journal, etc. He previously held positions at several public and private organizations and enterprises.